Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wartburg Days

Montag, 07. Mai 2012

Today was the first official day of my internship at the Wartburg. When I first arrived, I had time to converse with Kerstin, my supervisor. She is part of the public relations department at the castle. She works with the press, events, and other functions of the castle that I’m sure I will learn much more about.

Since I am still “learning the ropes” here, I went on two guided tours. First I took the German tour, and then in the afternoon I joined the English tour. There is so much history in the castle, and I think there is something new to notice each time you go through.

There were a couple opportunities to be involved in the church community tonight. After I returned from a day at the castle, Dr. Kleinhans and I went to the Methodist church for Friedensgebet—peace prayer. There wasn’t a huge group of people there, but the atmosphere was nice, and it was a powerful service for me. It was one of those moments when it didn’t matter if I could understand every word people were saying, because I could feel the Holy Spirit working through the intimate group of people praying together. Later in the evening we joined an ecumenical Bible study, in which Psalm 42 was discussed.

Dienstag, 08. Mai 2012

It has only been a few days at the Wartburg, and it already feels like home. Today both Dan and I were at the castle. The main task for us involved helping with translations. This included translating a menu and a promotion on the mobile app from German into English. This job seemed so fitting to accomplish at the Wartburg, where Martin Luther translated the New Testament. It was part of getting the true Luther experience.

In the upcoming days I look forward to gaining more experience, and offering my skills as they can be used at the castle. In particular, I am excited to help with the website, because they are looking to change the layout of the page.

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